The past 48 hours have given me a glimpse at what it's like to be on tour with a band. Ever Stays Red(ESR) and This Great Escape did a concert at our church and it was Awesome! Sunday night we housed ESR. I was so impressed with those guys. I was fully prepared to have our Xbox up and going or something like that. When they came over instantly they went to work. They all had their laptops and were updating their Myspace page and responding to fan emails and working on tshirt designs etc. It was so neat to see what this job of theirs means to them. We had a chance to talk with them and get to know them a little better. The next day we just hung out. At around 2 o'clock a group of people and the band went to Library Park to hand out socks to the homeless. (Their tour is called "The Clean Sock Tour") Kayla and Kelsey, from what I hear, did a fantastic job at putting together lunches to give as well. {Good job, Girls!}
That night we met up with the guys again at Pancho's Coffee Shop in the Shasta Outlets. It was for the grand opening of our friend's sho
p. ESR did an acoustic set that was just as incredible as there plugged in concerts. Zech really took a liking to them. They were so cool with him. You can't tell in the picture, but he walked up to them and squeezed himself in between them like he's known them for years.

Later that night we housed This Great Escape. They were ESR's opening band. Nice guys as well. I have never actually seen a groupie with my own eyes but there were two girls who showed up to the coffee house that fit the bill. Two girls I know I would remember if I saw them around, that's beside the point... they were over at our place the next morning. Really nice, but extremely talkative. From the moment they came in our house, it was non stop talking. To make it even more interesting, they sounded like they were from the Valley... like, you know? It took them three hours to get here and they slept in their car last night. They have been to almost every concert of ESR's within 4 hours of their house. So that was pretty crazy. After they left, it was back to reality. I pray God blesses their tour. Who knows maybe Zech will do this some day. :)