Thursday, September 21, 2006

i'm speechless!

since our first post we have gotten a job, lost a job, gotten it back, had someone offer us a free place to live, received a substantial amount of $ in the mail to pay bills, & seen God use so many people to really encourage us. we truly feel ministered to & taken care of. we still don't know what the next month or two will look like...actually we don't even know what the next couple of days will look like, but it is still exciting. we are not freaking out...yet, however, we are beginning to wonder just where we will be living in the near future. ultimately God will see us through, He always has. on a lighter note, zech is starting to say sentences! "mom, up?" "more cheese" & "dad poop" are pretty commonplace these days. (don't ask me what he means by that last one) it is awesome to see him growing up into more than we could ever have imagined. it will be interesting to see what the next few months will bring for him as well. anyway, if you need someone to rake leaves, fix your deck, or do some youth pastorin' just give me a call. if not, just pray for us. thanks.


Kayla said...

Wow, thats really great for you guys. It is exciting to see what God can do!

I don't have a deck, the leaves aren't falling yet, I do need some youth pastorin' though because ours just left. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Love ya!

Kayla said...

Oh yeah, I'm impressed with the frequency in updating.

Justin Richardson said...

I don't need any leaves raked but my room needs cleaned :)
You should check out your link on my blog, it's pretty sweet. By the way thanks 4 the ride the other day.

Kayla said...

I like the new look, but I noticed you were missing the links. I emailed you the html so you can put them back.

Justin Richardson said...

Hey what's up poolboy?? update about something. I'm going to my aunts house in downeyville this weekend and you can pretty much fly-fish out her back door. I'm seriously considering getting a rod soon.