Wednesday, November 15, 2006

God is good even when we're busy

Nick is usually the updater, but this week he's been working like crazy. And we feel completely awful because we've been neglecting our friends in the process. Not to be over dramatic or anything, it's just that we really haven't had time to settle ourselves anywhere. Between the trailer and Nick's folks house we kind of feel like we haven't been able to take anything out of our suitcases. Don't get me wrong, it certainly is an adventure and I'm thankful to God for this time in our lives(no, really, I am!) ~Phil.4:6, right?!~ God's timing is perfect.
Please pray for Nick right now. He's in Oakland on a transport. This transport has proven to be a hard one. Anytime children and illness are involved it's never easy. This one involves a two and a half year old girl, named Hailee, who has an immune disorder. Which has really touched Nick, seeing as we have a 2 1/2 year old child ourselves. How easily this could be our little one. When they got to their appointment down in Oakland, they found out Hailee's liver was not doing well and had her admitted to the ER immediately. That wasn't the main issue, the mother, Rosemary, brought her 9 year old down too, and when her sister was admitted, she was not allowed to be in the room over night. Rosemary had a problem. She had no place to take her 9 year old. Finally, she found that the Ronald McDonald House had room for her 9 year old, but she couldn't keep her there by herself. Now she has to leave Hailee at the hospital by herself. That is so tough. It makes our situation not that much of a situation, ya know?
Please pray for Rosemary, Hailee, and the 9 year girl (Nick didn't give me her name). It makes our situation not that much of a situation. Anyway, we'll try harder to keep in touch with everyone. Don't give up on us!


Kayla said...

Wow, thats intense. I don't understand what Nick's job is in all of this though. by transport, do you mean that he drives the sick people around? Anyway, I'll be praying for the girl and her family as well as you all.

Justin Richardson said...

I've got two words for you,