Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Still Learning Patience

We have had some amazing things happen this last month. For one my Bell's Palsy is gone. Yeah!!! The only reminder I have of it is our church directory photo, where it looks like I'm a smart allic because the right side of my face is not quite right. Oh well.
We were told that Youth For Christ didn't get their grant for the abstinence program. Well it was a good thing Nick took his promotion at the mortuary. Then we found that we got into the low income housing that we had applied for last July. We were so excited. We were excited... the very next day, we got a call that the owner of the apartment complex over rode the managers decision to evict the current tenant. Which means we are again on hold in vacating the parental units household. Good news though we are next on the list for the apartments. We don't know when a spot will become available. Prayerfully soon. We are going to be putting a deposit down so the next available unit will, by law, be ours. We know God has a plan for us, we just don't know what it is yet.