If you can comment you can update, and if you can update, you can email. Get surfin'! Oh and by the way, were you joking about the rick warren democrat thing being bad. I'm pretty sure you were joking but its a little hard to tell with that one. Please tell me you were joking. Not that I'm a rick warren fan though, for all I care, he can have his purpose driven lamp shades and leave me out of it.
Nick, Rachael And Zech are believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. We like the coast, the mountains, the snow, & parks, snowparks, parks with snow, LOST, coffee, calvin & hobbes, The Avengers, The Office, Angry Birds and Mac computers, our favorite colors are green/blue/black.... & magenta.
Sweet bike Zech! Oh yeah, and nice hair :)
I have indeed heard the David Crowder song and I'm sorry, but I hate it.
Sweet quad Zech I am so Jealous.
Happy New Year
That is definetely not a bike, i don't know what kayla was thinking, sweet QUAD!
I hardly think it matters. Besides, its not like the boy can read.
If you can comment you can update, and if you can update, you can email. Get surfin'! Oh and by the way, were you joking about the rick warren democrat thing being bad. I'm pretty sure you were joking but its a little hard to tell with that one. Please tell me you were joking. Not that I'm a rick warren fan though, for all I care, he can have his purpose driven lamp shades and leave me out of it.
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