Monday, January 22, 2007

the end is nigh!

so last night i am sitting on the couch/bed in the living room/den/guest bedroom & saw on the news that hillary clinton has officially entered herself as a candidate for the democratic nomination for president in 2008. this may be a good time to mention my disdain for women in politics. no this is not based on any misogynistic attitudes or chauvinist biases, i just think that God's best plans for the lives of believers is also how things would work best in society. since God desires that women should not be in authority over a man & that men should love & protect women i think government would function much more effectively if women were removed from their positions & men were removed of there predispostions. so i am officially announcing that if hillary clinton is elected president of the United States me & my wife & child will be making preparations to move out of the country. we are not sure where yet but, by my calculations, if clinton is elected president America will be a socialist nation within 2 years. am i being dramatic? am i blowing this all out of proportion? can i be serious? consider this my "i told you so" for 2008. heil hillary! get used to that one.
if you who know are laughing or not taking me seriously.
if you don't know may have already reported me to blogger & the proper authorities.
either way...have a nice day.


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't this be like her third term since we know she was in charge when Bill was the Pres. Try to be safe at Safeway no cart flipping.

Kayla said...

I always think I know you and then...

Anyway, I was laughing and its weird because Kristi and Jeremy and I were just talking about this the other day. Personally I don't think its going to happen this time around but its probably not far off. Despite the fact that I am in fact a girl, I absolutely agree with you, maybe not about the moving to a different country part though.

Kayla said...

I was thinking about your post title and the whole idea of Hilary Clinton running for president and all of the sudden I became very scared. Then I thought well, why I am so scared? Then I realized that in the course of the rest of my life (however long that is) I will probably encounter some really insane stuff happening in the world. More than what already is. I heard an interview with Don Miller once, and he was talking about how 10 yrs ago he remembers Ellen Degeneres coming out of the closet and how he would see her on t.v and stuff and that she was just completely broken and you could tell she was hurting. Then, he goes on to say how if we fast forward only 10 very short years the ideas about homosexuality have completely flipped. Now, it seems every show\movie has to have a homosexual in it for it to be a valid show. Thats scary. The fact that an entire nation's beliefs can change so rapidly is scary to me. Theres several examples of this kind of thing happening all over and so I'm a little freaked out, but its a calm freaked out if there is such a thing. Its more like nervous anticipation I think...
can't really define the feeling actually but it definitely started with fear. Anyway, thanks for the thought provoking post and we discussed Clinton in my history class today and decided that our biggest threat isn't Clinton, our biggest threat is the Oprah book club. You can be proud of me for coming to that conclusion all by myself :D