Sunday, September 09, 2007

Two Blogs in One Month

There was a part of the trip I wanted to put in the last blog, but I got so focused on Disneyland that I didn't mention it before. It seemes fitting to add it today because it is Grandparent's Day... We got a chance to visit my grandma (my mom's mom) in Thousand Oaks. It was great to see her, especially with Zech there. I loved seeing them together. She doesn't get a chance to travel often because she found she has lung cancer and is currently going through chemotherapy, it drains her. I could tell Grandma Kay enjoyed the visit. And Zech didn't hold back the entertainment. He was as bouncy and loud as he is at home (picture Tigger on 20 energy drinks... maybe not that wired). Anyway,I know grandma wanted to bottle some of that energy, we all did.
My uncle (my mom's brother) was telling us how he came home from work and found my grandma had shaved her head, not uncommon for someone undergoing chemo, but he goes "Mom, what are you doing?! You just finished the part of your treatment that causes your hair to fall out yesterday! Your hair was going to start growing back!" Oh well, I say we'll call it a bold fashion statement. We love you Grandma!
P.S. Yes, you are not imagining things, the dates are not tampered with. This is another blog update in the same month. Yahoo!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Marathons and Magic Kingdoms

We got back from our Disney trip a few days ago. We meaning, my folks, sister, son and myself. Nick had to work which he says "You go and I'll stay here to pay for the trip!"
Anyway, we had a blast. The main reason we went down to So Cal is my dad was running a half marathon (13.5 miles) it started in the Disney park went through Anaheim Statium and back to the park. Pretty impressive. He made it to the end averaging 14 minutes a mile. And he was still able to walk around Disneyland the next day. Wow, we are all so proud of him.
A month before we left for our trip it was a project of mine to stretch Zech as tall as we could to get him to 40 inches. The majority of fast rides stated you had to be 40 inches or taller to ride. At the time he was 38 inches without shoes. So I thought insoles, thick soled shoes and a spiky hair style would do the job...
Our first day we went to California Adventure and our first ride we thought we'd try California Experience. We get up to the line to see Zech's height, here's where we find if all our hard work and lengthning pays off... NOT HAPPENING. A fraction of an inch off.
So Zech and I found something better...
We couldn't get him on the big rides so we spent a lot of time in A Bug's Life park (geared for the little tykes) and saw a lot of shows. Zech and Dad left the park early. Dad needed to rest for the marathon the next day and Zech fell asleep before they made it out of the park. So my mom, sister and I went to Disneyland side of the park and did some of the rides I wouldn't be able to do with Zech
(40 inch rule and all).

The next day was Labor Day and the race... Yeahhh Dad!

The following day the whole fam went to Disneyland and that was where alot of the rides that we went on as kids happened. Zech got his picture taken with Tigger, my mom's favorite character. That was awesome for my mom I'm sure.
We had a blast. He found his favorite ride though, the Jungle Cruise. That's how we started the day and that's how we ended the day. And you would have thought my son would have been knocked out by all the days fun... no he was wired till like midnight. Next year should be even better. The next height requirement is 46 inches... maybe?!