Sunday, October 22, 2006's the new X-Files3

last wednesday's episode of lost was of particular interest to me. the story focused on locke’s history. for those of you unaware, locke is a very interesting character as well as my favorite. i don’t know why he is my favorite but his story in many ways is the most heartbreaking & compelling. in fact i believe that he is the single most important & strategic character on the island. this week picked up with locke, charlie, mr. eko, & desmond shortly after the explosion (or implosion) in one of the hatches they were in. following the --plosion mr. eko had been taken to which locke felt compelled to rescue him since it was his decision that led to eko’s capture. i think some of the spiritually related issues regarding free will, repentance, & reconciliation were the most interesting. in many ways locke is a microcosm for many of the christian experience. in his character there are the essential elements of faith: hope, suffering, betrayal, uncertainty, inadequacy, failure, joy, determination, friendship, & most importantly-the desire to be a part of something bigger than oneself. this is what makes lost & locke such an enjoyable experience on wednesday nights. oh, that & the fact that it is the greatest show of all time.


Kayla said...

I don't know about you, but Kristi and I couldn't shake the fact that Desmond looked like Jesus (well, you know) I think it was on purpose. You guys should come watch with us.